The North Kenner 2030 Plan

Shane and Amedee with “Consolations” in June. From
At the beginning of this year, Henry Shane and his wife Pat began financing statues to be placed all around North Kenner, ranging from abstract shapes to animals and nature.[1] Recently, Shane collaborated with local artist Wayne Amedee in creating 16-foot high, bronzed architectural pieces, combining geometric shapes with recurring patterns.[2]
In June, Amedee unveiled his fourth piece in the “Consolations” series, entitled “Lessons Learned.”[3] Amedee’s work can be found all over the New Orleans area, from The New Orleans Museum of Art, to the City Park Sculpture Garden, to the Louis Armstrong International Airport.[4]
“Lessons Learned” was one of the largest pieces in the series, weighing half a ton. Amedee used computer modeling to determine its basic layout and structure of the work, and then used a fabricator to create the massive parts. [5]
Shane undertook this initiative to install interesting sculptures in North Kenner as part of the 2030 Plan.[6] The plan, first proposed under Mike Yenni, one of Kenner’s former mayors, revolves around creating a lively, eco-friendly city through public art.[7]
While Shane plans on personally contributing 20 pieces to North Kenner, he claims that around 100 sculptures are going to be necessary in order provide Kenner with ample opportunities to expand its pubic art appreciation.[8]
The sculptures are not universally received with praise, however, as some residents cite that they would rather have improved drainage systems and cleaner streets over public art. Most notably, David Freidheim and Trisha Kyner’s “Pink Rabbit Sculpture” has the public questioning why fluorescent animal sculpture creation takes priority over basic public works projects.[9]
However, despite public criticism, Shane and Amedee’s project has truly made an impact on the Kenner community, as these sculptures bring attractive designs and figures to otherwise sparse neutral grounds and local parks. Art elevates a community socially and creatively, and rare instances of generous donors attempting to do so should be praised, not scorned.
Edited by: Rebecca French