Navigator Shutting Down for the Year

Due to the impending doom known as “crunch fest,” “hell,” or simply, “exam season,” the Navigator will be closing down and no new articles will be posted. We would like to thank all loyal readers (thanks, mom) who have been with us since day one and continue to support this fledgling online newspaper.

We will resume publication of the paper in the 2017-2018 school year, and look forward to surpassing fake news quotas to meet growing societal demands. Our fearless Editors in Chief Max Kanner and Avni Shridhar want all concerned members of the Newman community to know that the publication will be returning stronger than ever this coming school year. In fact, as Max Kanner so eloquently stated whilst ruminating upon the Navigator’s inaugural year, “Life is a highway, I want to ride it all night long.”

**UPDATE: In this article, the author cites his mother as one of the ‘loyal readers’ of the Navigator. The author has recently been informed that his mother has not, in fact, read any of his articles (nor does she intend to), and she wishes for his erroneous statement to be corrected. **