Social Justice Club

You want to know about social justice? Well, we are here to tell you. Social Justice is a club that talks about all social issues, such as race, gay rights, women’s rights, and also issues that may be going on around school that you want to talk about or address. In this club, our goal is to be open to any and all topics, not just ones involving race. This year we want to make sure the club is not restricted by people who may think that you have to be black to join the club. As club leaders, Riley Demps and I really want this club to be open to all students at Newman. We think that when many different types of people get involved, the more we can achieve. We respect all views and all ideas. Everyone is welcomed to the social justice club! Because social justice just isn’t just black and white, it’s about hearing from everybody. That is what we are trying to show as a club this year. Social justice is relevant at Newman today because we attend a school trapped in a bubble in which students aren’t able to explore the real issues that may be happening outside of our viewpoints. Social Justice club is here to make those issues known within the school so that students understand and discuss the real problems that are happening today in the world.

Even more importantly, social justice is relevant to the world today because it involves issues that affect our future.  Especially with all the current issues involving our President, potential war and people protesting against his ideas and policies.  There is no doubt that social justice is most relevant today and most needed during this time. Our plan for social justice this year is to address all issues no matter what they are. If you want to join the club, Riley and I would be glad to have you join a group that is open to new ideas and issues that are important to our lives now and in the future.