Hubble Spacecraft
Ever since the beginning of time, humans have looked up to the stars and wondered their place in the universe. As technology grew increasingly advanced, astronomers realized that Earth may not be alone in the universe. Drake’s equation1 was produced, the VLA2 was built, and the public interest grew in the notion of aliens. Today, astronomers currently use their experimented biosignatures to detect life in distant regions. However, scientists have concluded that they must also use “techno-signatures,” a completely new and revolutionary field of signals and emissions, in order to expand their research. These signatures infer technological life, or life capable of technology. For example, if other species were to use techno-signatures, they would find an increasing amount of radio communication, emission of gases, and a constant plethora of other electromagnetic waves from humans. When this technology first applied, irregular variants of luminosity, called Tabby’s Star, spurred some to believe that an alien civilization had been found. Perhaps to the chagrin of enthusiasts, scientists have found that Tabby’s Star is most likely a dust cloud (which reflects and deflects light erratically due to its particle composition). Nevertheless, it displays to scientists that the Hubble Telescope, which can see farther into space than any other optical telescope designed by man, will need improvements. For research to continue, it is now necessary to move beyond the utilization of radio and optical waves, and into an exciting new field of bio and techno-signatures.