Great Finale to a Great Arts Week

Last week was Arts Week, during which upper school celebrates the arts with various activities during lunch. The week came to a close with the Arts Week Assembly, where students have the opportunity to showcase their artistic and performance abilities. The assembly began with a video created by the Emperor of the Arts, Tabor Brewster, and his dutiful assistant Harry Milvid. Tabor then quit his post as MC because he didn’t have suitable enthusiasm for his band, One South Lark. Audrey Burkey and Sydney Gold replaced Tabor and did a phenomenal job. They introduced all the acts, which included dancing and singing. One act that was especially anticipated was Mr. Mahoney’s fine film appreciation talk. Last year he reviewed Fast and Furious, and this year he reviewed Failure to Launch, wowing the audience with a mix of comedy and meaningful observations. Other stars included the band Chef, a Mario Kart race, and senior Tyson Ford, who participated in not one but three acts. The assembly showcased the wide range of artistic talents of the Newman community and truly exemplified what Arts Week is all about.