Here Comes the Court

This past Friday, the twelve members of the Homecoming Court were presented during assembly and at halftime of the football game. During the assembly, each of the pairs made their way to the stage as Ms. McCormick spoke of their involvement, accomplishments, and character. Many of the students enjoyed watching their peers be presented and honored for their achievements. Senior, Celia Romano explains, “I liked seeing my friends be presented at assembly because it offered them a time of recognition when they really deserve it. It was really eye opening to see how many accomplishments so many of my peers have made.”
At halftime of the football game, everyone watched as the girls on the court were escorted by their fathers and the boys escorted by their mothers. King, Jarmone Sutherland, joined the court in his football uniform and crowned Queen, Adair Rufty. Adair enjoyed her experience on the court as Queen: “Being on the court was such an honor because I was elected by my classmates, the people I spend time with every day in and out of school.”
Overall, the Homecoming Court was a great opportunity for the Class of 2020 to acknowledge who they thought best exhibited Newman’s Core Values.