Noises Off!
Eight weeks ago, the Newman theater students began working on the play Noises Off. After all of their hard work and preparation, the cast was finally able to perform on October 10th for the opening night! With two intermissions, the Noises Off plot consists of a play within a play about a sex farce called Nothing On. The play begins with a rehearsal for an obviously unprepared cast of Nothing On; their mistakes add up for comic effect. In the second act, the stage is turned around for a backstage experience when the cast goes on tour and the audience gains insight into the characters’ complicated relationships and backstage drama. The third act concludes with a performance that goes wildly wrong and is filled with commotion, as the characters struggle to salvage the night. The Newman theater crew not only managed to pull off this difficult production, but excelled with three fantastic performances full of excitement, comedy, and chaos. Cast member Aubrey Whitaker, playing character Dotty Otley the housekeeper, commented on her experience in the production: “This play has been one of the best experiences in my theater career. The cast and the crew are a family to me, and I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world!” Congratulations to the cast and the production team on the amazing performances!

Allison is a senior who has written for the Navigator since her freshman year. When not writing for the Navigator, she can be seen playing soccer for both...