Breast Cancer Awareness Month

If you’re a senior or if you were here in middle school, you might remember coming into school and buying a Krispy Kreme Donut and getting a little pink ribbon to wear. This used to be part of Breast Cancer Awareness Week, along with pink Newman t-shirts and other activities, all of which was put together by ACTIONS. With the re-organization of the committee, the agenda and plans for ACTIONS adjusted, so Breast Cancer Awareness Week was discontinued; however, there are other initiatives throughout the school to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many sports incorporate pink into their attire for the month, such as Volleyball, Swimming, and Cheerleading. In addition to these sports, Football wore their pink attire in the game this past Friday, and fans were encouraged to dress for the pink-out. Although Breast Cancer Awareness Week is not continued, there many efforts still exist to support Breast Cancer awareness.