Mental Heath Week
Around the world mental health is often stigmatized and rarely discussed, but last week Newman students took the first step in destigmatizing and educating its community through a series of mental health focused discussions. These discussions were a partnership between the community service organization ACTIONS and numerous clubs. Each club worked with ACTIONS to prepare a presentation and led discussions about a specific mental health disorder. Headed by juniors Lainie Pliant and Ellie Adler the event was deemed a resounding success by the community.
With topics ranging from eating disorders to suicide and self-harm, mental health week strove to not only to educate but also to normalize discussions surrounding mental health on campus. At an institution where high stress and competition can be the norm, having a space for mental health discussions is incredibly important.
Some of the week’s most impactful discussions showed that although Newman has made important improvements in its mental health care on campus in recent years, there is still significant room to grow. Having Mrs. Goehring, the new upper school counselor, present throughout the week proved very useful as she was able to offer much-needed clarification about Newman’s reporting system and the process of getting help on campus.
At the meeting on Thursday, Mrs. Goehring impressed upon students that she her main priority is to be a student resource. Some may fear getting help because of rumors surrounding the mandatory reporting system, but she clarified that all discussions are confidential unless the student is deemed a threat to themselves or others.
As evident by the empty pizza boxes, students sitting two to a chair, and the productive discussions that took place it can be confidently said that mental health week was a resounding success. As the year continues, ACTIONS and its partnering clubs want students to know that just because mental health week ended, student discussions about mental health should not.

Serena is a senior who has written for the Navigator all four years of high school. Some of her favorite memories from her time working with the paper...