A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a blockbuster movie focused on the life of Fred Rogers, the beloved children’s public-television star. The story is loosely based on his encounters with the magazine writer Tom Junod in 1998, who wrote a cover story for a national magazine entitled: “Can You Say … Hero?” Tom Hanks, acting as Mr. Rogers, truly captures the character, as he re-kindles the relationships the audience had with the star as children and reminds them of his valuable life lessons. The movie is told from the point of view of the magazine writer, “Lloyd,” as he struggles to deal with his emotions. Lloyd, over a long interview process with Mr. Rogers, becomes friends with him and learns from Rogers how to face and channel his intense and real emotions that he contemporaneously experiences. Whether the audience was familiar with Fred Rogers or not, the story captivates the viewer into the wonderful humanity of Mr. Rogers. Like Mr. Rogers himself, the movie makes a powerful argument that kindness, humility, and respect lead to a fulfilling, happy, and important life. I highly recommend seeing this film, especially at this time of division and anger so prevalent today, and it is a gentle reminder that we should be kind and listen.

Allison is a senior who has written for the Navigator since her freshman year. When not writing for the Navigator, she can be seen playing soccer for both...