The Night(mare) Before Christmas

Ah… the sweet smell of Christmas is in the air. Wonderful holiday decorations light up homes and eggnog is in stock in the fridge. You just want to grab a marshmallow-y cup of hot chocolate and stick some ornaments on the tree. Or admire your menorah in anticipation of Hannukah. BUT WAIT! These festivities must be put on hold, for there is evil lurking in the future… EXAMS. Before you slip on your fuzzy stocks and waste hours and countless brain cells watching cheesy Hallmark movies, you must study. I know, it’s tedious, boring, monotonous and exhausting. But remember, this next week determines your future. Or, the future of your winter break plans if your parents punish for bad grades. But really, get your books, suck it up, and push through until the break. You can do this, and it’ll all be worth it by the time Santa Clause comes to town.