Meet the Film Club

If you’re passionate about movies and the film industry, film club is for you. Film Club has resurfaced after not being charted last year. Maggie Smith, Kearney Nieset, and Dr. Duggan have taken on the roles to charter this much needed club and start a mini film club community.
Film club is similar to a book club, but with movies. Every meeting, which is usually every other Thursday, a genre of films is picked out. Kearney and Maggie pick a genre and choose three movies that are critically acclaimed and fit within the genre. Members of the film club watch the trailers at the meeting and decide on one movie through a blind election (heads on desks and raising your hand). On your own, each member has the duty to watch the movie and be prepared to come to the next meeting to discuss.
The club has a cycle of discussing the previous movie picked out and choosing the next movie. Having a new genre each time exposes members to more types of films and grows their list of movies seen. Discussions are a great success as everyone usually has a lot of opinions. Film club has created a small community of people dedicated to coming to meetings. Members of the club range from freshman to seniors as many different people have found a liking to the film club.
No matter your movie experience, anyone is welcome to join the film club. Film club provides an outlet for students to gain more exposure to various films and have a place to talk about it with.
List of movies and genres film club has focused on this year:
Horror/Thriller: Get Out
Comedy: The Grand Budapest Hotel
Action: Baby Driver
Western: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Dystopian: Mad Max: Fury Road
Romance: La La Land
Crime/Mafia: The Godfather

Maggie Smith is a senior and has been on the Navigator since her sophmore year! Maggie loves to run, watch movies, and study history :)