The Time Between Dog and Wolf: A DEI Reflection
The last Wednesday before Spring Break, the Upper School took time away from hectic schedules to reflect on identity as well as diversity and inclusion. Our day started with an all Upper School Assembly in the auditorium. The chatter and excitement in Henson captured the student body’s enthusiasm. A quick assembly took place highlighting the expectations of the day. After dismissal, students headed their separate ways to discuss the film. My road led to one of my favorite films of all time, In and of Itself.
Our group was stationed in Lemle 137. We sat in an oval like formation as a manner of helping to open the conversation and facilitate peer discussion. In typical icebreaker activity fashion, we each introduced ourselves, our grade, and why we chose the film. It was a hodgepodge of different grade levels and reasons why we chose the film. Some chose it for the vague trailer that only featured small cards that made a simple statement, “I am”, in order to not ruin the magic of the show. Others unfortunately forgot to submit the form for their DEI day pick. But hey it happens to the best of us! With introduction out of the way, we turned to a small supplement reel to help us delve into the world of illusionist Derek DelGaudio. We watched Stephen Colbert and DelGaudio discuss the concept of his show, In and of Itself, and how it came to be. After the small late night interview adjusted our mindset, we were ready delve into the mystical magical world of In and of Itself.
I know this is the moment where I’m supposed to summarize the movie. But I simply cannot. You must see it for yourself. It won’t take long just set aside an hour and half, and let your mind be open. (Trust me this show will Blow. Your. Mind. ) That’s not enough to convince you, you say? Here’s a small summary that can be found on the website: “A story reveals the illusion of one’s identity in Derek DelGaudio’s modern allegory, In and of Itself. New ways of seeing the un-seeable are explored, as memories from yesterday, inexplicable events witnessed today and secrets imagined for tomorrow all blend together, creating a perpetual paradox of a show. The writer and producers of Nothing to Hide reunite with executive producer Neil Patrick Harris to present this theatrical experience, directed by Frank Oz (
After watching the film, I had completely forgotten how this film can easily catch viewers by surprise. When it was time to discuss our film, the room had been suspended into complete silence. It took awhile for us to even warm up to have a conversation about our film because it was incredibly, incredibly impactful. But the conversations we had that day were on a much deeper level to me. I was surprised but grateful for the conversation that my group had because we were able to open up and discuss the complexities of the concept of identity. This film is amazing and will definitely catch you by surprise, but the conversations and discussion that you will have with friends and peers afterwards makes all that worthwhile.

Colette Bu is member of the Class of 2023 who has attended Newman since 7th grade. Some of her favorite subjects include History and English. Outside of...