Crochet for a Cause Update
The Conflict Continues . . .

Everyone loves clubs, however one common complaint is that it is unfeasible to attend two clubs that meet on the same day. The hot topic of this week: the conflict between the Jewish Cultures Club and the Crochet for a Cause Club. For today, this is an update from the latest Crochet for a Cause meeting.
According to club charterer Gio Arenas ’24, the Crochet for a Cause Club has the most consistent average of attendance at their meetings. On Wednesday, February 8th, the club started the meeting with a show and tell of club members’ current crochet projects. Members of the crochet club are very devoted, many of them working on their crochet projects outside of club meetings. At lunch, Vivian Zhou ’26 can sometimes be seen experimenting with her crocheting while eating lunch with her friends. Even more impressive, Vivian just learned to crochet this year at Crochet for a Cause. Vivian encourages her friends to join the club and learn how to crochet. At the club’s most recent meeting Sara Lovell ’26 came with Vivian to attend Crochet for a Cause the first time. Emma Passler 24′, club president, taught Sara how to crochet. Sara stated, “It was interesting!”, while talking about the wonderful aspects of this club. Sara learned how to crochet in under 10 minutes, reflecting the teaching ability of the other club members.
I joined Crochet for a Cause at the beginning of the year, and I can testify that everyone’s skills have improved throughout the year thanks to the instruction of Club President Emma and Dr. Cransac. Everyone is working together to knit and crochet different projects to donate. One prominent business topic of the meeting involved discussing to which charity the club should donate this year’s projects.
The Crochet for a Cause Club would wish for everyone to know that they are doing noble work at every club meeting and outside of clubs.
Crochet for a Cause hopes that anyone free and interested in crochet, knitting, or charity attends the next club meeting to try it out.

Morgan's avid love of reading led her to join the Navigator during the second semester of her freshman year. Her favorite topics to write about include...