On October 17, the Newman A.C.T.I.O.N.S. Vulnerable subcommittee partnered with The Blood Center to host a very successful blood drive. In total, 51 pints of blood were donated, meaning 153 lives were saved!

While the minimum age for donating blood is 16, the lower school had a big hand in the blood drive. The lower school held a competition where the class that got the most amount of parents or other adults to donate would receive an ice cream party. However, the blood drive ended up having so many donations that every lower school class won an ice cream party!
In addition to saving lives, donors also received some fun rewards. The Blood Center gave out shirts and coupons for free ice cream to anyone who donated. While the shirts and ice cream are very appreciated, the fan favorite prize was definitely the VIP Pass to the Mortuary Haunted House. Thank you to everyone who donated or who encouraged others to donate, and enjoy your ice cream and your Mortuary visit!