This year during Mardi Gras, some of the parades did not go as expected. On the first weekend, due to bad weather, the Krewe of King Arthur, Krewe of Carrollton, and Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale were moved from that Sunday (2/23) to the following Tuesday (2/25). This change was very unexpected and one of the biggest hurdles for the krewes was the time. While these krewes usually run during the day, they were rescheduled for Tuesday night. With this change krewes were forced to add lights and other accessories to their floats. Along with this, there were no bands or marching crews in any of these parades. The other big change was on Mardi Gras day, because of high winds and heavy rain, the parades were canceled and moved to other days. Zulu and Rex were moved extremely early on Tuesday, as to try and avoid the weather, along with changing the times, the routes were also shortened and they had no bands or marching crews. The truck floats, which usually follow Rex, were moved to that Sunday (3/9), along with Brakus. Finally, the Krewe of Argus, which runs in Jefferson Parish, has been rescheduled to run with the St. Patrick’s Day parades. Some St. Patrick’s Day parades were also canceled because of the tornado warnings in the area.