A Fever Throughout the Yearbook Class (don’t worry, it’s the good kind)
The Yearbook Committee has experienced a wave of excitement, drive, and effort towards making this 2020 -2021 yearbook phenomenal.

It is a daunting task to try and capture everything that has taken place this year. Whether it’s capturing our different school day, bizarre rules at sports games, and the unpredictability of what is to come, one might say the yearbook team has a difficult job. It wouldn’t be unusual to hear members discussing their worry for what might happen if we go online because if we did, how would the rest of the yearbook look? Chief Editors Ella Aluise and Caroline Zvonek have lead with the mission to get as many pictures, stories, and spreads finished as quickly as possible so that we have content before a shutdown. First-time yearbook teacher Roger Hibbert has made it his goal to assuage these doubts by providing the staff with inspiration. Earlier this month, the yearbook company we work with, Walsworth, sent two hard copies of their favorite yearbooks. These books were scattered with different templates, shapes, and colors. The themes were creative and exciting; quickly the entire team of the yearbook staff was struck by the desire to make our yearbook standout like these. This hard-working team of girls wants to capture as much as possible in this yearbook because it’s a special one, no matter how you look at it. The motivation came from almost a competitive attitude to one-up the Walsworth yearbook exemplary works. Without giving too much away, I hope you are ready for a spectacular 2020-2021 yearbook.