Senior Starbucks Treat!

Weekly Starbucks trips have recently been incorporated into seniors weeks!

Seniors Sarah Sumrall and Serena Klebba pose with their drinks from Starbucks!

Just recently, seniors have been given the opportunity to go to Starbucks weekly with their advisories. The school has given each advisor a 50 dollar gift card that they can load onto their mobile apps. From there, everyone in the advisory takes a turn ordering their drink of choice: whether it be a hot or cold coffee, a blended drink or something sweet, the treat of having a mid-day pick-me-up is wonderful. Senior Lanie Talbot says her favorite drink to order is a cold brew with milk and sugar. This weekly trip to Starbucks adds a bit more normalcy in advisories. Last year, this walk to Starbucks was a frequent occurrence; advisories could walk to Starbucks and get coffee all the time. Adding it as a senior treat this year allows for seniors to look forward to something every week. Walking outside along Jefferson is a nice break from sitting at a desk eating lunch. After going to Starbucks, seniors can have a bit more caffeine throughout the day, which allows them to conquer their after-school responsibilities. Having a cup of coffee allowed me to power through the rest of my day and well into my sports practice. This was a nice boost on a Tuesday when you can easily feel like the week is moving slow. All of the senior class is thankful for the effort in providing us with a special treat!