“Newsies” was first introduced to the public as a musical drama film by Disney. Directed by choreographer Kenny Ortega, this film was loosely based on the New York City newsboys’ strike of 1899. The film initially didn’t do well at the box office when it was released. However, it later gained popularity later on and was then adapted into a stage musical on Broadway. The musical was nominated for eight Tony Awards, winning two including Best Original Score.
Directed by Ms. Liese Weber Hammontree, the cast of talented and enthusiastic middle schoolers and incredible upper school players have been working on making this musical since October of 2023. “Newsies Jr.” is a 60-minute version of the 2012 Broadway musical. When newspaper publishers raise prices at the expense of the paper boys, Catie Elliott ‘28 stars as the protagonist Jack Kelley, who rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions.
The newsies learn that they are stronger together and start a movement to fight for what’s right helped along by characters like Kathrine Plumer (Hannah Yoo ‘28): a young reporter who wants to make a name for herself as a legitimate journalist in a time when women aren’t taken seriously. Other characters like Ms. Medda Larkin (Anna Kate Lemann ‘28)–a singer and star of the Bowery and a proud supporter of the newsies, who offers her theater as a safe place for their revolution–and Casey “Crutchie” (Edwin Hibbert ‘29)–a dedicated newsie with a “bum leg” who is Jack’s best friend–all are dedicated to aiding this cause.
- Jack Kelley: Catie Elliott
- Kathrine Plumber: Hannah Yoo
- Casey/Crutchie: Edwin Hibbert
- Medda Larkin: Anna Kate Lemann
- Davey: Amelia Grace Lemoine
- Les: Meg Geary
- Joseph Pulitzer: Cori Cenac
- Theodore Roosevelt: Roger Hibbert
- Newsies:
- London Lumpkins
- Fiona Wilder
- Jeanna Chen
- Simmy Israel
- Hunter Frazier
- Cate Gorman
- Miriam Rudman
- Livia Grant
- Phoebe Wells
- Upper School Cast:
- Sara Ochoa
- Onyx Kukuy
- Nick White
- Georgia Biever
- Charlotte Norwood
- Eve Freyou
- Upper School Cast:
Starring as the lead in her first-ever musical, Catie Elliot states, “Being in Newsies was such a wonderful experience, spending time with great people while having fun. I would definitely recommend it!” From an Upper Schooler point of view, Georgia Biever comments, “I loved being a part of Newsies! It was so fun to get to spend time acting, singing, dancing, and helping out with the kids. They are all truly great and I can’t wait for them to get to high school, so we all get to work with them again.”
I have been working on tech crew for the past three years–the first show I worked on was “Oliver Jr.” in 2022. From tiny 6th graders to talented 8th graders, I have watched as these middle schoolers grow into the amazing actors they are today. I am so incredibly proud of them and I can’t wait to see what they achieve as players in the Upper School!