What is being Quarantined and Having Online Learning Like?

Recently after Winter Break, multiple students were quarantine due to outbreaks with school teams or their own families. So what was online learning like? Here are some anonymous student opinions on remote learning.

Many students enjoyed remote learning because classes often ended early and students could appreciate the extra, warm afternoon time. Periods like flex, pe, and lunch could also be skipped, and classmates could spend more time relaxing than focusing on assignments. Another opinion from a student about being on zoom, “More often than not, teacher pay less attention to the people on zoom, so you don’t have to answer tough questions or have a teacher stare at you, waiting for an answer”. Yep, it’s true! (From an in-person student perspective) some teachers just focus on the students in a classroom than the people on zoom.

Another perk is that sometimes you don’t have to have your camera on, so our classmates don’t have to put in an effort to change their pajamas! Another student added that it’s easy to communicate with your other classmates on zoom, especially with break-out rooms. Remote learners can just stay at their desks all day, with the occasional meal breaks. Even though there are some downsides of learning on zooms, like in-class activities or just notetaking can be difficult with a limiting screen.

We, as a Newman community, are glad to have most of the students back, and learning with their friends in a classroom.